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Monday, 26 August 2013

Male style icon: Tinie Tempah


Who is this Tinie Tempah? Well he is without a doubt one of my favorite artists; from the British underground music movement, this rapper/producer doesn't only create good music (some of you might not like it, but I sure do) he also brings us amazing and fresh British outfits with that urban/sports touch. Stylish and daring at the same time, his personal style has also been attracted by fashion magazines appearing on the front of GQ and Q. Check him out; wouldn't we all love for our men to dress like this? Or find a kind a guy like him? If you are a man, how cool would it be to have his wardrobe? Image isn't everything but it sure does help! ;)

¿Quien es Tinie Tempah muchos estaréis preguntando? Pues uno de mis artistas favoritos; del mundo de la música urbana Británica, este rapero/productor no solo crea buena música (para gustos colores y a mi me encanta) si no nos aporta un estilo British fusionado con toques urbanos/sports. Estiloso y a la vez atrevido, su estilo personal a llamado la atención a revistas de moda acabando en portadas de Q y GQ. Echar un vistazo vosotras mismas, ¿no nos gustaría que nuestro chico luciera estos estilos? ¿O encontrar a un hombre así? Y si sois chicos,¿no soñáis con un armario así? La imagen no es todo, pero sin duda ayuda ;)

2 3 455 5 6 7 8 119   Images from Google Images.


One Stiletto At A Time said...

He certainly does have great style!

xoxo One Stiletto At a Time fashion and beauty blog

FashionShyChild said...

Yes! You are so right Tinie Tempah has an amazing style. I love the way you put this post together.
